Water/Wastewater Technician

Water/Wastewater Technician

City of Elroy (pop. 1270) is accepting applications for the position of Water/Wastewater Technician.  This position will split duties between the Water Department and Wastewater Department and other duties as assigned. The successful candidate will assist in the operation and maintenance of the Elroy Water and Wastewater Departments by monitoring system conditions, performing routine maintenance and inspections, perform daily testing, maintain proper records, track inventory and maintain stock, locate services and water mains, maintain land and buildings under the operation of the city utilities, assist in park and swimming pool operations and maintenance of water systems. The position will be responsible to work weekends on a rotating basis, holidays and for assigned duties and emergency calls.

Candidates must possess a high mechanical aptitude, maintenance skills in the working of pumps, electric motors, combustion engines, electronic instrumentation, and plumbing. Candidates must possess a high school diploma or GED, and it is desired but not required to have an associate’s degree or higher in the specified field of water/wastewater treatment and have experience in this area. The position requires the ability to obtain the waterworks operator’s certification and the wastewater certification of grade 2 with subgrades of activated sludge, disinfection, and laboratory within two (2) years of employment and obtain a CDL within one (1) year. Salary consistent with experience and certifications. Please complete a City Application for Employment and submit with your resume and a list of five work related references to: ATTN: Water/Wastewater Technician, TO: Geena Skowronski – City Administrator, City of Elroy, 1717 Omaha Street, Elroy, WI  53929.

Deadline to apply is Friday, February 7, 2025, at 4:00 PM. Application and job description may be found on the City’s website at www.elroywi.com.