WIP Members


Mike Blazejovsky

Visu – Sewer Inc.

Brian Bodoh

Process Equipment Repair Services, Inc.

Katie Bohrman

Water Surplus

Craig Bongard

Ferguson Waterworks

Amy Briggs

Village of Somerset

Dale R. Broeckert, P.E.

L.W. Allen, LLC

Scott Brosteau

Mead & Hunt, Inc.

Lori Bruckner

Village of Valders

Lori Brueggen

Village of Wilton

Joy L. Buboltz

City of Brillion

William A. Buckles, P.E.

L.W. Allen, LLC

Joseph Burress

Chad Burroughs

Staab Construction Corporation


Carrie Chesebro

City of Milton

Jesse Claflin

B & M Technical Service

Sheryl Claflin

CBS Squared, Inc.

Shane Clapper

Village of Dane

Jim Cook

L.W. Allen, LLC

Kelly Court

Three Lakes Sanitary District #1

Wendy Crary

Village of Spring Green